Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain)

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 Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain) for GTA 5
 Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain) for GTA 5
 Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain) for GTA 5
 Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain) for GTA 5
 Freight Train (Tram) (metrotrain) for GTA 5

The freight train or tram, also known as the metrotrain, in GTA 5 is a highly sought after vehicle in the game. It is a massive, electrified rail transport system that moves cargo and individuals across the city.

The tram in GTA 5 operates similarly to real-life trams, running on electric power and traveling long stretches of rails throughout the city. The tram makes frequent stops at designated stations, allowing players to board and disembark at their leisure.

One of the most striking features of the tram in GTA 5 is its size. It is a massive vehicle that towers over almost everything else in the game. Players will often be able to see the tram from great distances away, making it an ideal landmark for navigating around the game world.

In terms of speed, the tram is relatively slow-moving, as it is primarily designed to move heavy loads of cargo. However, it is extremely reliable and rarely breaks down, making it an ideal mode of transportation for longer distances.

The tram also has the benefit of being relatively safe to operate. Unlike many other vehicles in GTA 5, there is no danger of crashing or getting into accidents when operating the tram. This makes it a great option for players who are trying to avoid the chaotic driving conditions of the game's streets.

Overall, the tram is a great option for players looking for a dependable, slow-moving mode of transportation in GTA 5. It is a unique and impressive vehicle that is sure to turn heads wherever it goes.

  • Car brand: Ram