Western Cargobob (Jetsam) (cargobob2)
Main page GTA 5 Vehicles
The Western Cargobob (Jetsam) (cargobob2) is one of the most popular vehicles in GTA 5. It is a versatile helicopter that is primarily used for transporting cargo and vehicles across the map.
The Cargobob is extremely fast and agile, making it a great option for players who need to transport goods quickly. It can be found at LSIA, Fort Zancudo, and the Sandy Shores Airfield, and can also be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry. The Cargobob is available in two versions - the standard model and the Jetsam model, which features a unique blue and white paint job.
The Cargobob has a number of key features that make it an ideal choice for transporting cargo. Its cargo hold is large enough to hold multiple vehicles and large amounts of cargo, making it an ideal choice for players who need to move large quantities of goods quickly. The aircraft also features a powerful winch, allowing players to lift heavy objects and vehicles with ease.
The Cargobob is also equipped with a number of weapons, including machine guns and rockets, making it a formidable combat aircraft. Its speed and agility make it an ideal choice for players who need to quickly respond to threats or engage in aerial combat.
The helicopter's handling is smooth and responsive, and it is easy to control in mid-air. It is also surprisingly maneuverable for its size, making it easy to navigate through tight spaces and around obstacles.
Overall, the Western Cargobob (Jetsam) (cargobob2) is an excellent vehicle for players who need to transport cargo across the map quickly and efficiently. Its combination of speed, agility, and firepower makes it a formidable force in combat situations, while its large cargo hold and winch make it an ideal choice for transporting goods and vehicles. Whether you need to deliver goods to a remote location or engage in aerial firefight, the Cargobob is an excellent choice that won't disappoint.