Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly]

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Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] for GTA 5
Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] for GTA 5
Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] for GTA 5
Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] for GTA 5
Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] for GTA 5

Introducing the Brute Enforcer Classic [DEV] [Lore Friendly] mod for Grand Theft Auto V! This mod brings a classic version of the Brute Enforcer to the game, with LOD_0, LOD_1, LOD_2, and LOD_3 all present.

Please note that this mod has some issues, including texture issues, no bullet holes or window break, and no mapping for livery. Additionally, there are vehicle light issues, with all lights staying fully lit when they should be off, and the handling could use improvement.

However, all files are included, along with textures and the .z3d file, and the mod has been made stable and functional in-game. Both replace and add-on versions are provided for easy installation.

Please note that the creator is no longer able to work on the mod and is releasing it publicly for anyone to map, fix, or edit as they see fit. Credits for this mod go to Rockstar Games for the original model, OnePiece and Spartan112 for the GTA IV conversion, and Ali Mc for the GTA V conversion, texture conversion, and model edits and fixes.

If you're up for the challenge of improving this classic Brute Enforcer vehicle, be sure to check out this mod and the included ReadMe's for installation instructions.

Car brand: Force